How do you BREW?

How do you BREW?


We love to talk about ways you can use the brew . . . it is absolutely perfect on any kind of meat—from poultry to beef and pork. In fact, we’ve been told it is even good on bear!

At home, we use it as a condiment with french fries, shrimp, and chicken tenders.

The Boss is a good cook and uses the brew in stews and chili and as a marinade.

When we grill hamburgers, we even mix a little in the meat along with our other seasonings and the hamburgers are so juicy!

We have substituted our ketchup for Boss Bell’s Barbeque Brew . . . what a great idea that we hope catches on!

It goes great as a substitute pizza sauce for that BBQ chicken pizza! 

For me, there is something unique about the initial bit of sweetness that turns in to a little “tang” and finishes with the slightest bit of heat. Again, it is truly unique with a little bit of everything.

Over the years, The Boss has shared his sauce with almost everyone he has met. Our friends and family have also shared some interesting ways they use the brew.We have heard some say they dip plain bread in it and others say they can eat it straight from the bottle.

We strongly endorse all of these uses and hope you will share some more!

Mike, a.k.a. The Boss, has been perfecting this sauce for a couple of decades. Everyone he shared it with loved it and encouraged him to take it further.

Without the encouragement from his sons, Andrew and Eli, he probably would never have decided to have it professionally bottled. But they were right! This stuff is good, and I’m so glad I’m a part of it. The initial response has been great, and you have got to try Boss Bell’s Barbeque Brew. We are certain you’ll come back for more!

How do you brew?

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